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Activists from around the world show how international law, domestic litigation, and apology/reparation helped improve gender and sexuality minority rights

The time has come. Activists, scholars, and human rights defenders from across the world are meeting in Delhi, India, to join the International Dialogue “Rising Through the Challenge: documenting and analysing best practices for advancing human rights related to sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) using the tools of international law, domestic litigation, and apology/reparation”. 
Around 70 participants from different regions have come to Delhi to share organizational experiences that have helped advance the rights of gender and sexuality minorities.

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Registrations for our International Dialogue in India are still open

You are still on time to register for our International Dialogue.
The Dialogue will take place in Delhi, India, and will be a remarkable opportunity to reflect on best practices for advancing human rights related to sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) using the tools of international law, domestic litigation, and apology/reparation.
The Dialogue will revolve around “Rising Through the Challenge: documenting and analysing best practices for advancing human rights related to sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) using the tools of international law, domestic litigation, and apology/reparation.”
The deadline for registration is November 7th.

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Les inscriptions à notre dialogue international en Inde sont toujours ouvertes

Les inscriptions à notre dialogue international sont toujours ouvertes. Le dialogue se déroulera à l’OP Jindal Global University à Delhi, en Inde, et constituera une occasion remarquable de réfléchir sur l’orientation sexuelle, l’identité ou l’identité de genre et les caractéristiques de sexe (OSIEGCS) en utilisant les outils du droit international, des litiges nationaux et des excuses/réparation.
Le thème du dialogue sera « Grandir en relevant le défi : documenter et analyser les meilleures pratiques pour faire avancer les droits humains reliés à l’orientation sexuelle, l’identité ou expression de genre et les caractéristiques sexuelles (OSIEGCS) en utilisant les outils du droit international, des litiges nationaux et des excuses/réparation ».
La date limite d’inscription est le 7 novembre

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Siguen abiertas las inscripciones para nuestro Diálogo Internacional

Siguen abiertas las inscripciones para nuestro Diálogo Internacional que se llevará a cabo en Delhi, India. El Diálogo será una oportunidad extraordinaria para reflexionar sobre las mejores prácticas para promover los derechos humanos relacionados con la orientación sexual, la identidad y expresión de género y las características sexuales (OSIEGCS) utilizando las herramientas de derecho internacional, litigio doméstico y disculpa / reparación.
El  tema del Diálogo será “Emergiendo a través del desafío: documentación y análisis de buenas prácticas para el avance de los derechos humanos relacionados con orientación sexual, identidad y expresión de género y características sexuales, utilizando las herramientas del derecho internacional, el litigio doméstico y de disculpa/reparación del daño”.
La fecha límite para registrarse es el 7 de noviembre.

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Registrations for our International Dialogue in India are now open!

Registrations for our International Dialogue to be held in India are now open. The Dialogue theme is “Rising Through the Challenge: documenting and analysing best practices for advancing human rights related to sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) using the tools of international law, domestic litigation, and apology/reparation.”
The Dialogue will be a remarkable opportunity to reflect on best practices for advancing human rights related to SOGIESC. By having cross-regional conversations, we hope to trigger ideas, incite imaginations and take forward the global struggle for dignity and rights for those discriminated against on grounds of SOGIESC.

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