define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS',true); Angola (Cycle 2)

Angola (Cycle 2)

For a summary of Angola’s review at the first cycle please click here.

20th UPR session
Date of review: 30 October 2014
Date of report adoption: 5 December 2014
Document number: A/HRC/28/11


SOGIESC issues during Angola’s 2nd UPR review
Civil society submissions: ✘
National report: ✓
UN information: ✘
Working group discussions: ✘
Recommendations: ✘

I. SOGIESC issues/recommendations identified by NGOs
No references.

II. Excerpts on SOGIESC issues from the national report
Discrimination against persons based on their sexual orientation

143. According to the Constitution of the Republic in its article No. 23 No. 2 and article 32, the liberty, privacy and the respect of a person’s intimacy are protected. Intimacy between adults is a matter of individual freedom and Government is not are unaware of any cases of legal prohibition or discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

III. Excerpts on SOGIESC issues by UN agencies
No references.

IV. References to SOGIESC issues during the Working Group review
No references.

V. Conclusions and/or recommendations
Angola did not receive any recommendations on SOGIESC issues.

VI. Further information
You will find all documents relating to Angola’s second review at UPR-Info and OHCHR’s websites.