define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS',true); New deadline! International Dialogue: #SaveTheDate and call for submissions

New deadline! International Dialogue: #SaveTheDate and call for submissions

Dear activists, researchers, and practitioners – 

It is a pleasure for us to announce our next International Dialogue to be held in Delhi, India, from 9-12 December, 2019. The Dialogue theme will be “Rising Through the Challenge: documenting and analysing best practices for advancing human rights related to sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) using the tools of international law, domestic litigation, and apology/reparation”.

This International Dialogue is organized by ARC International, in partnership with The Centre for Health Law, Ethics and Technology (CHLET) at Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University, and aims to provide a space to reflect on and analyse the ways in law, social transformation and the struggle for dignity and justice are linked. Beyond that, it aims to document and publish these reflections so that they may be shared and utilized by a broad range of global stakeholders.

This first call serves as a “Save the Date” for everyone, and a specific invitation to all those who have experience in apology/reparation, international law and/or domestic litigation to submit here a brief proposal (100 word overview) regarding their best practice experience relating to any of the themes above. A selection committee will review the proposals and select 10-15 stakeholders to produce a guided narrative of 7-10 pages in length. Selected narratives will be shared at the International Dialogue, and analysed/discussed in cross-regional peer settings. There will also be a small honourarium for those selected and coverage of all expenses related to participation in the International Dialogue.

Our deadline for or receiving submissions is Sunday 15th September, 2019.

The criteria for selection includes:

  • A strong representation of best practices from various regions;
  • A diversity of stakeholders, for instance, general human rights groups, LGBTI groups, women’s organizations, legal practitioners, academics, etc.;
  • A variety of best practice experiences, including narratives used as litigation strategies to convince courts or legislators;
  • The ability to produce a strong written narrative and a short reflection piece within the project timelines and the ability to communicate in either English, French, Spanish or Hindi;
  • The availability to present this narrative, with supplemental visual material, at an International Dialogue to be held in Delhi, India in December 2019.

For those who are interested in knowing more details about the Dialogue, we will reach out in September to share information on registration.

We thank your interest and look forward to receiving your submission!

Best regards, 

Kim Vance-Mubanga, ARC International
Dipika Jain, The Centre for Health Law, Ethics and Technology CHLET) at Jindal Global Law School


Información sobre el Diálogo Internacional en India en español aquí.

Information sur le dialogue international en français, ici.

हिंदी में जानकारी यहाँ