define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS',true); International Dialogue on the Intersections of culture/tradition with human rights related to gender and sexuality

International Dialogue on the Intersections of culture/tradition with human rights related to gender and sexuality


“I commend your bravery. Those who work on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity are often the target of harassment, persecution and violence – by both State officials and private groups and individuals, including violent extremists. You and your organizations are frequently isolated voices reporting gross violations of human rights that are too often ignored not only by the authorities but by mainstream human rights organizations too. The toll of threats and attacks is a heavy personal and institutional burden”.

These were some of the words by Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, to the “International Dialogue on the Intersections of Culture/Tradition with Human Rights Related to Gender and Sexuality”, co-organized by ARC International and MantiQitna.

International dialogue aims at discussing experiences of activists working to strengthen human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons in hostile contexts and share common intersections between culture and traditions with gender identity and sexual orientation. It also seeks to share experiences and knowledge towards advocating human rights in that field.

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