Envisioning Global LGBT Human Rights: (Neo)colonialism, Neoliberalism, Resistance and Hope
A New anthology from the Human Rights Consortium, School of Advanced Study entitled “Envisioning Global LGBT Human Rights: (Neo)colonialism, Neoliberalism, Resistance and Hope” was released on September 13th in Toronto, Canada
The book is an outcome of a five-year international collaboration among partners that share a common legacy of British colonial laws that criminalise same-sex intimacy and gender identity/expression. The project sought to facilitate learning from each other and to create outcomes that would advance knowledge and social justice. The project was unique, combining research and writing with participatory documentary video lm-making. This visionary politics infuses the pages of the anthology.
Both Arvind Narrain and Kim Vance have chapters in the book.
Arvind Narrain has written a chapter about “Vacillating between empathy and contempt: the Indian judiciary and LGBT rights”.
Kim Vance has co-authored two chapters: “Cultural discourse in Africa and the promise of human rights based on non-normative sexuality and/or gender expression: exploring the intersections, challenges and opportunities”, also with Monica Mbaru and Monica Tabengwa; and “The rise of SOGI: human rights for LGBT people at the United Nations”, with Nick J. Mulé, Maryam Khan and Cameron McKenzie.
You can find the content here.
The book un PDF is here.
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