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Our latest e-bulletin is out!

These have been very intense months, not only because of the work we have been doing, but also because of the important changes happening within our organization. Regarding our work, we had our International Dialogue in Delhi, India, where a wonderful group of activists, academics and practitioners shared impressive experiences and good practices that have helped advance LGBTI rights worldwide.
As usual, we also presented at conferences and attended meetings to strengthen our movement capacities. With respect to ARC staff, Kim Vance-Mubanga leaves the organization as of the end of March and we have recruited exciting new people to lead our board through this transition.
Find out more information in our e-bulletin.

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Our latest e-bulletin is out: Find out what we have been working on!

Once more we reach out to tell you what we have been working on in the last few months. We were very busy in advocating with a strong network of organizations to achieve the renewal of the mandate of the Independent Expert on SOGI. We have also been delivering statements, participating in conferences and conducting training and research.
Leading toward December, we are working hard on our next International Dialogue, to be held in Delhi, India. You will find more information on the Dialogue throughout our website. Stay tuned!

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Our e-bulletin #25 is out!

These have been very busy months for ARC’s staff. We have been participating and advocating for LGBTI rights in different spaces within the UN, regional networks and organizations worldwide.
We also delivered trainings to strengthen NGO capacities and have been actively working to make our SOGIESC network stronger each day.

We are pleased to share with you some of our latest activities.

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Good news: our latest e-bulletin is out!

Dear friends and colleagues,

It is a pleasure to meet you once more to share with you this update on our latest activities. As usual, we have been working in different spaces to help strengthen capacities for advocacy within the UN. We have also attended several meetings, conferences and symposia and continued to disseminate the Yogyakarta Principles plus 10.

We hope you enjoy this new e-bulletin.

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We are happy to share our latest e-bulletin!

We are pleased to reach out to you once more to share information about our latest activities. We have participated in UN spaces, and prepared statements and documents. We also developed and delivered a lot of trainings, along with speeches at conferences.
We have been part of the process before the Indian Supreme Court, advocating for the decriminalization of same-sex relations (the Court said that Section 377 is not constitutional!), and have been strategizing about ways to use the outcomes of strategic litigation and apology to create real change.
We are happy to share this summary with you.

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