Negation, Acknowledgement … The Third Report of the #IESOGI

The release of the third report of the Independent Expert on SOGI provides us another opportunity to assess the workings of the mandate. Perhaps the most important thing has been keeping the global spotlight on human rights violations on grounds of SOGI. The latest report highlights the pervasiveness of violence on grounds of SOGI from all corners of the globe. The extent of violence suffered by LGBT persons is a stark reminder of the significant role that the mandate of the Independent Expert on SOGI can continue to play. By Arvind Narrain and Kim Vance.

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Defending the UN IE on SOGI

Today the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) will hear a report from Thai Human Rights Law Professor Vitit Muntarbhorn, the United Nations Independent Expert on the protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (IE SOGI) for the first time.To mark this historic event, four human rights organizations released a joint report today detailing the establishment and confirmation of the mandate at the United Nations (UN) over the 2016 UNGA.

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