define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS',true); Copenhagen catalogue of good practices

Copenhagen catalogue of good practices

The stories we share with you in these pages are stories of people who have helped to change their world, our world … they are stories of courage, of resistance, of celebration, of dedication, of love, of anger, and above all, stories of hope. Because they give all of us the hope that if we work together, in our communities, in our work places, our schools and our homes, and in organizations big and small, we can make a difference.

You will read in this catalogue stories of people who work in many different ways to change the lives of LGBT people… in human rights and politics, in education, in the media and culture, in health care, family and relationships, sports, the labour movement, business, in transformative sexual ways, and in mainstream organizations. At the end of each story you will find information about how to contact the people involved, so you can follow up if necessary.

Read full catalogue.