Dear friends,
We are deeply saddened by the events in the United States this past weekend. It has been a stark reminder that no country or region is free from hatred and intolerance. Our communities have long suffered at the hands of those who use political ideology, religion, and greed for power and dominance over peace-loving people.
As rainbow communities across the globe, we know that these types of events are not isolated incidents, and form part of a pattern that is seeded by everything from teasing and school bullying to inflammatory remarks expressed by heads of States and major institutions, even boldly within international fora like the United Nations.
We must address that intolerance boldly, while acknowledging that suffering in the name of political ideology, religion and greed is inflicted on many. In our moments of grief and sorrow, we cannot allow those in power to define the enemies of our communities, or attempt to divide us within our rich and diverse communities. We also cannot allow them to define an appropriate course of action in our name that further marginalizes and separates us from each other.
We are in a moment where we can achieve greater harmony as we rise through this and the many other challenges that face us. We stand with those in Orlando and we stand with all who aspire to the fundamental claim that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”.
In solidarity,
Kim Vance
Executive Director
ARC International