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  • Our latest International Dialogue discussed on best practices to advance gender and sexualities rights
    Our latest International Dialogue discussed on best practices to advance gender and sexualities rights
    The subject: "Rising through the Challenge: documenting and analysing best practices for advancing human rights related to SOGIESC using the tools of international law, domestic litigation, and apology/reparation”.
  • The Human Rights Council renewed the mandate of the Independent Expert on SOGI
    The Human Rights Council renewed the mandate of the Independent Expert on SOGI
    The resolution was adopted by a vote of 27 in favour, with 12 voting against and 7 abstentions. This is a historic victory for humanity as a whole.
  • Yogyakarta Principles are now stronger to better protect #LGBTI persons
    Yogyakarta Principles are now stronger to better protect #LGBTI persons
    International human rights experts approved 9 Additional Principles (including 52 State Obligations), 50 Additional State Obligations under the original Principles, and 5 Additional Recommendations to non-state actors.
Strengthening Capacity