Terms of Reference
- This mailing group provides a space for collaborative dialogue, information-sharing, strategic discussion and priority-setting among NGOs which engage regularly with the UN to advance human rights related to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and intersex status, and related issues. Participation in the list involves a commitment to this approach.
- The mailing group operates primarily through an unmoderated (except subscriptions) listserv, maintained by ARC International, and regular conference calls. The hosting of these calls is open to all members of the group and is intended as a shared responsibility, although ARC has been primarily assuming this role up to this point.
- The mailing group has a non-formal structure and functions as a space to enable participating NGOs to discuss and share information, and strengthen areas of collaboration, in order to do their own work better. It is not intended as a global decision-making body, though participants may be informed by the group discussions in developing their own organisational positions and priorities.
- The list is open to NGOs which meet the purposes of the list, and all participants will be updated regularly on the group membership. The following principles should be considered when expanding the group:
- The nature of the discussions is primarily focused on international/regional mechanisms, conferences, projects and collaborations.
- National groups (unless ECOSOC accredited or regularly engaged in the UN/international/regional work) should be encouraged to engage via the broader SOGI listserv or around specific events, when appropriate. (see following)
- Some groups and individuals may occasionally engage in these international/regional mechanisms (for instance around UPR reporting), but not necessarily on an ongoing basis. Meetings of the group are open to the participation of those involved at specific moments, and smaller strategic lists can and have been created to accommodate that, without expanding the core membership of the group/list.
- Discussions within this group are highly sensitive and strictly confidential, as they are primarily strategic in nature. No list messages should be forwarded without the explicit consent of the author.
- New members should be discussed within the group.
- The list is a place where everybody is safe to speak and where people respect others’ opinions. Everyone on the list is accountable for their own actions and opinions, and shares responsibility for maintaining the list as a space for constructive engagement.
Find the subscription form here.