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Trans Day of Remembrance 2020: Fighting for our futures

On Trans Day of Remembrance (TDoR), 20 November, we remember and honour trans and gender-diverse people whose lives were taken away from us.
Day after day, trans people around the world fight for our human rights and social justice. Year after year, we demand that trans people are protected from violence. We demand that our human rights are respected. We demand our right to live.
We call on you to join our fight. Make sure that the lives of trans people who are still alive are part of your fight. Amplify trans voices while we live. Educate others about trans rights while we live. Donate to organisations focusing on marginalised and underrepresented trans communities. Commit to concrete actions and confront the pervasive structural and cistemic oppression that keeps us deprived of our basic rights. Let us end all forms of violence and discrimination against trans and gender-diverse people together.

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Feminist declaration on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women

Feminist groups, trade unionists, women’s and community-based organizations, indigenous groups, disability rights advocates, LBTQ+ and gender non-conforming people, intersex people, women human rights defenders and girls’ and youth-led organizations (among others) have made this document on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women.
As part of the Women’s Rights Caucus, recognizing that several member states lack political courage or will to commit to an ambitious political declaration 25 years after the Fourth World Conference on Women, we undertake to offer what we believe is a truly meaningful and reflective feminist declaration; one that takes stock of the current state of the world and the realities of women, girls and gender-non-conforming people in all their diversities.

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HRC44 – Statement urging to address LGBTI human rights violations worldwide

We urged the High Commissioner for Human Rights to address human rights violations based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics, and to include LGBTI issues specifically in the oral updates and reports on COVID19. It was during 44th session of the Human Rights Council in a joint statement with ILGA World, COC Nederland, ISHR, Outright Action International and RFSL.
We welcomed the recognition by OHCHR of the specific impacts of the COVID19 pandemic on LGBTI persons and the guidance provided to states on how to address this situation, but despite all the efforts and campaigns carried out so far, LGBTI persons continue to have their human rights systematically violated.
Read the statement here.

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187 of organisations call on States to protect LGBTI persons’ human rights in the context of COVID-19 outbreak

ARC International joined a coalition of 187 organisations to draw the attention of the UN Human Rights Council to the situation of LGBTI persons and those who defend their rights in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.
In line with the call to action signed by 96 human rights experts, organisations working for the protection of the human rights of persons of diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) globally have urged States and stakeholders to ensure that this public health emergency will neither exacerbate existing misconceptions, prejudices, inequalities or structural barriers, nor lead to increased violence and discrimination against persons with diverse SOGIESC.

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Grupo de Interés LGBTI – No dejar a nadie atrás. Asegurar la inclusión de las personas LGTBI en los esfuerzos para responder al COVID-19

Los firmes compromisos que contiene la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible están siendo puestos a prueba por la pandemia de COVID-19. Muchas desigualdades y vulnerabilidades cuyo impacto global en las personas LGTBI viene de larga data están siendo magnificadas por esta crisis. Los gobiernos deben tomar acciones que apunten específicamente a incluir a las personas LGTBI en las respuestas políticas para asegurar que nadie quede atrás. Esta es una oportunidad para retomar la dirección correcta y abandonar la “normalidad” para beneficiar a las personas más marginalizadas y postergadas.

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